About us

What we believe. The truth about clean beauty.

Our Stories

Ofeianht was born from a place of love. Inspired by our mothers, moved by our daughters, we support and celebrate joy, beauty, and well-being in all people. Our makeup is crafted to help every person present their best self to the world with confidence.

Minimal ingredients for maximum impact. All our products are formulated with this in mind. We use only the highest quality, purest ingredients. Without compromise, our products are never tested on animals.

* true natural * Ofelianht
Since 1980

Our Mission

We are radically transforming the chemistry of beauty by providing clinically validated, authentically organic formulas and a proprietary base of nutrient-rich organic botanical juices.

Our Ofeianht team approaches beauty from a wellness point of view so our customers win with:

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Beauty with Purpose

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* true natural * Ofelianht Cosmestic
Since 1980

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